Did you recently purchase a Bayer Animal Health product such as Advantage II, Advantage Multi, Coraxis, Seresto, or K9 Advantage? If yes, you can now start a Bayer AH Rebate online at www.AHRebates...

Topics About Rebates
After the submission, you can check the status of your rebate by logging in to the Rebate Status page. Once your rebate is approved, you will receive your money within 6-8 weeks.
Did you make a purchase at a Menards store and forget to pick up your rebate forms at the Customer Service Desk? If yes, you can go to the Menards Online Rebate Center to download and print the rebate form in...
www.Rebateinternational.com is a website for online rebate tracking service provided by Rebates International Company. If you’ve received a rebate offer that asking you to check the status of your rebate...